Are you looking to grow your family through adoption?
If you are unsure of where to start, an attorney can direct and guide you through understanding the ins and outs of adoption and deciding what type of adoption is right for you.
Our firm is dedicated to ensuring that you are able to move through the adoption process smoothly while being mindful of the adoptive parents, the biological parents, and most importantly the child. We strive to maintain ethical standards by making sure that every step of the process is handled legally and with a high standard of care for all parties involved.
Types of Adoption
There are several types of adoption, and we can handle most adoption cases, including the following:
Step-parent adoption
Adopting a child after marriage has several benefits for both the child and step-parent. We would be happy to explain these and speak with you about any other questions you may have about adopting a step-child.​
Family adoption
A family adoption typically occurs when a child's relative is seeking to adopt them. A common example is when a parent passes away or becomes incapacitated and a relative such as a sibling or grandparent becomes the child's guardian.
Contested adoption
A contested adoption occurs when someone (such as the birth parent) does not agree to an adoption. We can advise on whether adoption is the best option and help terminate parental rights if adoption is in the best interest of the child. ​
Uncontested adoption
In an uncontested adoption, every party is in favor of the adoption moving forward to finalization. While these cases may not be as complicated as contested adoptions, we are dedicated to ensuring that the whole process is done legally and in the best interest of the child. ​
International (intercountry) Adoption​​
While our firm is not an agency that is accredited to complete the entire international adoption process for Hague Countries, our firm can handle the beginning and end of the adoption process to comply with state laws. Please contact us if you are interested in adopting internationally, and we would be happy to explain how that process works. ​
Adult Adoption​
Adult adoptions are possible in both South Carolina and North Carolina. Our firm is equipped to handle these cases and can advise on the benefits and cautions of adult adoptions.​
If you are unsure whether your case falls into one of these categories or what your options may be, please contact us for a free consultation so we can discuss the possibilities for your family and answer any questions you may have!